Friday, June 3, 2011

2011 Update

My apologies for allowing this Blog to go to the blog gutter, but life happenings and being a mom are first and foremost important in my life. My pugs are all doing well and just living the pet life. My show kids are all up with Lynda Hoffman with Lotus Blossom Pugs. If you ahve any questions about the breed, the standard, or whatever else feel free to contact her at .

If you are interested in a well bred puppy please visit for a breeder refferal in your area.

I hope you and your pugs are all doing well. Hopefully, you will see me and my son in the ring sometime next year.

Pug Hugs and Kisses,


Monday, August 16, 2010

Toy Specialty Weekend!

Milan (B'Dazzles Forever Amore) and I had had a fantastic weekend showing in Orlando at the Annual Toy Speicalty. She showed liked a season pro on both days. Saturday she swept it with Winners Bitch, Best of Opposite, and Best of breed in Bred By! I really enjoy weekends like that just hanging out with friends and watching all the dogs.

Sebastian and I are off to Oregon on Wed. for our annual trip, I can't wait to see Tabitha and give her some kisses. I wonder if Sebastian will remember her? I will make sure I post pictures!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Random PR Pictures...Mobile Uploads

Ok, so what did we do back in the day when we needed to capture a moment in time? Well today we have blackberry's, Iphones, Digital cameras, SLR camera' name it we have it. I have to admitt that the blackberry camera has to be my most favoirte invention of all time, then add facebook and you can tell a story with pictures in a matter of a few moments. I took some time tonight to go through some of my FB photo uploads and what cool memories I captured. Now please be warned that these are not the best pics in the world. I am working on editing the good ones now, but these are just the "in the moment" kind of pics.

The view from our room

Me (lt) & Jana (rt). Thank you Jana for coming to PR with me. It was such an amazing trip and even more amazing to have someone to share it with that has the same passion for the breed as I do. You have a lot of patience to put up with me, I know that I am a bit much to handle from time to time.

Three's a Crowd!!! (Lt-Rt) Olivia, Sage, Milani

Would passenger in seat 26a, please fasten her seatbelt!

Ahhh, and she sleeps. Milan was a wonderful traveler, dispite the 19 HOUR flight home that should have taken 3 hrs. She deserves all the treats in the world for being such a trooper. Too bad she can't have any because she ate too much in PR like me and is now on a diet! LOL

So what's been going on?

That seems to be a questions I have been asked several times over the past couple of months!!!

I must admit that I have totally ignored my blog, however it is always on my mind. I have kind of been in a funk this year and have just not felt like writing about pug stuff. I finally just posted something that my good friend Blanche sent me months ago. Sorry Blanche I am just now getting around to it. I promise to be a bit more active on here for all of you stalkers that have nothing better to do than read about my pug family! Although most of you are on Facebook and can get play by plays at almost anytime, along with pictures.

So what has been going on at B'Dazzle Pugs? Where do I start....

The new year started off sending my little Diva Olivia off to Puerto Rico to live with her human dad Julio and new Pug friend Sage. It was a decision that I tossed around for several months. I think it was the best thing for her to be in a household with young active dogs. I am at a cross road here at home. My pugs (and Bostons) are all getting older and well as we all know as pug owners, the older they are the more they require from us. Then add a 2.5 year old to the mix and "overwhelmed" is about the only word that comes to mind. Placing my pugs whether they are 2 months or 2 years old is never easy. I am hoping by the end of this year I will be able to get back into the ring more often than a few times a year.

On that note, I had one of the most exciting vacations in a long time. As most of you seen on my FB page I took Miss Milan over to Puerto Rico so she could have a little vacation with her son Sage and 1/2 sister Olivia. The main purpose of the trip besides drinking rum (ummmm the rum and food there is out of this world) and snorkeling...was the Ponce Kennel Club Dog.

Saturday Julio and I showed Olivia and Milan and Milan took Best of Winners, and Best of Breed for 2 points from the Bred By class and on Sunday we decided to add another dog to the mix, Sage. Sage ended up with Best of Winners, Best of Breed, and Olivia got Best of Opposite both picked up their very first 2 points each. What a thrill to have all 3 kids win and get points. That does not happen very often.

In addition to showing, we met some really nice people from the kennel club. I must say that I was really impressed with how nice the local were and was really disgusted with the sportsmanship of those from the states. I just could never imagine going to a place and not taking the time to meet people, talk to them, and most of all learn from there. I suppose not everyone is like me, but I love meeting other exhibitors and learning about their dogs and experiences. There is a saying in the dog world "your competition always has what you need". I live by that, maybe others should too.

Other than my trip to PR, things have been pretty quiet here. I have just been enjoying having a house full of wonderful pets and most of all I am enjoying giving them my all during their senior years. I do have some new things planned for 2010, so you will just have to stay tunned for that. Ohh and yes I will start showing again towards the end of the year. More to come on that later.

Ohh here is a picture, I will have many more to follow from my trip. Some pug and some non pug stuff!

This is Olivia and Julio, both getting their first points. Can you believe the first time in the ring and he got a BOS on her!!! What a hoot!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What the books didn't tell you about Pugs!

THANKS BLANCHE for writing this for all pug owners! You have a never ending commitment to this amazing breed and your dedication to Pug Rescue does not go unnoticed. Thanks for your friendship and support over the years.

You want a pug? You’ve wanted one for years. You hopefully have done some research and think this is the breed for you. Well, read on. There are some things about pugs that aren’t in all the books and that may make a pug a bad fit for you.

Pug Puppies:

No doubt, you’ve read about how pugs are sweet, affectionate, cuddly and low energy. So you will be rightfully horrified when you find that your puppy is a whirling dervish of energy who snuggles for 30 seconds and then is off again to race around the house, leaving destruction in his or her path.

Here’s the reality. NO puppy is a couch potato. They are all lunatics. Some more than others. You likely won’t have a couch potato pug until at least the age of two and your pug may NEVER be a couch potato. Pugs from reputable breeders are more likely to have the pug temperament eventually, but even they will be devils as a puppy. If your puppy is from the internet, a pet store, a newspaper ad, then it’s up for grabs what kind of temperament you may end up with. You might luck out and get a pug that has the solid and stable temperament that is the signature of the breed, but you might also end up with a high drive, high energy pug that won’t settle down for several years, if ever.

One of the best ways to wear a puppy out (or any busy dog) is to engage them in activities that make them work and think. This is why obedience classes are so great—it may only be an hour, but that’s a hard hour of learning and really takes the ‘edge’ off of a busy dog.

Pugs are and were bred to be companion animals. They need people. If you are going to be gone for long periods of time and/or be too tired to engage with your pug when you get home from work, then a pug likely isn’t the dog for you. And pug puppies will need you to engage with them. They will demand it (as will most adults). Just like children, puppy brains need stimulation and activity to develop. A puppy left crated for 8 to 10 hours will be absolutely manic by the time you get home and will need you to devote the remainder of the evening to them. They are often referred to as a Velcro dog so if you don’t want a dog that is going to be wherever you are all the time (including in the bathroom!), then rethink getting a pug.

House Training:

Pugs will not be house trained in a month or two months or even 6 months. Some pick it up quickly, but most take a year or longer and may still not be 100% reliable. And most pugs won’t ask to go out. You might be able to train them to ask (ring a bell), but in my experience, most pugs don’t learn this or if they do learn it, they figure out that ring the bell equals a treat (assuming you treat your dog after pottying outside). You may end up with a pug that rings for food as opposed to letting you know they want to go out.

Pugs generally will not just go outside and do their business while you sit nice and warm in the kitchen and have a coffee. If they are outside, you’d better be outside, too. Most will not excrete outside without your company and encouragement. Many will also try to fake you out by pretending to pee. Maddening? You bet, but it is part of the charm of the breed—these quirks. While some pugs can last all day while you’re at work, most can’t and none should be expected to, in my opinion. When was the last time you had to hold your bowels or bladder for 8 to 10 hours at a stretch? So if you are contemplating a pug (or small breed dog) then be sure that you can afford to have someone come in and let the dog out or make arrangements for the dog to excrete in an ‘approved’ spot.

Punishing a pug for an accident is not an effective method of house training. Praise for appropriate pottying will win the day—eventually—but scolding, yelling, hitting, rubbing the dog’s nose in the mess will not house train the dog and will likely create a dog that will become a sneaky excreter. There are many good books and articles on house training.

Be prepared that if you have a pug puppy, you may well have to get up at night—2, 3 or 4 times a night—until they are 6 months or older.

Pug Quirks:

Pugs have a variety of quirks that drive some people nuts. They are nosey, inquisitive, and often right under foot. Many are tremendously food driven and will consume things that you don’t consider edible. I’m not kidding. They will eat sticks, rocks, coins, screws, plastic caps off of bottles. You name it, they will eat it. They figure out quickly that the command “drop it” means you’re going to take it away so many will swallow the forbidden object rather than give it up. It is your job to pug proof your home to avoid tragedy. Many have serious Kleenex and toilet paper addictions that they have all their lives. Several of my pugs think eating used tissue is a true delight and will go out of their way to access it. I never trust any pug around any food source, garbage or even cabinets that they can open. Quite a few will “table surf”. If they can get onto your dining room or kitchen table, they will. And they will consume whatever is up there.

Pugs are often quite tactile. Many are obsessive lickers—of themselves, you, the other dogs or cats, the kids, the carpet, your pillow. It’s a pug thing. Many use their paws more like hands than paws. Quite a few are “swatters” and will use their paws to whack you or other animals—generally to play or get attention. Pugs can be quite vocal and can be barkers, howlers, moaners and grumblers. I have had several that were vocal in the extreme and would carry on protracted conversations with me. As a breed, they have the widest assortment of noises I’ve ever heard. And some snore like buzz saws.

Pugs are tough little dogs that have no clue how small they are. Most will not initiate a fight, but many will vigorously defend themselves or others if a fight starts. Most are hopelessly outclassed in the fighting department and can get seriously hurt. As a deeply food driven breed, you may have issues with food aggression and resource guarding. Make sure that you do research on working with these issues.

Many pugs are not fans of inclement weather and will resist excreting outside in the cold, rain or wind. Some are fine, but in my experience, many will refuse (or try to refuse) to excrete outdoors. Some will simply use your floors, some will hold their bowels and bladder for frighteningly long periods of time. Few pugs will show any remorse or other indication that they know they did wrong by excreting in the house. Some will, but most of mine happily peed on my floors and looked at me like “What? I went to the door and you weren’t there so I used the floor. Get over it”.

No dog can be trained to be “car smart”. And don’t fool yourself that you can do this or that your neighbourhood is safe. Pugs (any dog, in my opinion) should not be off leash in any environment where they can get away from you and end up on the road or lost. They can be remarkably fast and it only takes a second for a dog to be hit by a car.

They have a remarkable capacity for bodily excretions. Expect to get snot blown in your face regularly, eye boogers to be wiped on your new white blouse/pillow/pants and to find the foul smell of anal gland excretions on your furniture or lap.

Pug Smarts:

Pugs are often erroneously tagged as dumb dogs. Most aren’t. In fact, most are smart enough and stubborn enough to figure out how to get their way or how to outlast you. Positive training, setting rules and boundaries are crucial with this breed if you don’t want to end up with a thug. Since they are often very food driven, treats are very effective in training pugs. And they are dogs. Let’s remember that. They aren’t little people, much as we like to think of them that way. They need to do dog things—go to parks, meet other dogs, play and have fun. Just as you wouldn’t raise a human child in isolation with no rules, it isn’t good for a pug to be raised in isolation where there are no rules or boundaries. Pugs are very adept at figuring out what you will and will not tolerate and will test the limits. You don’t need to be a dictator, but all dogs like to know what the routine is and like a predictable world.

Pug Energy:

While they aren’t sporting dogs, all pugs need exercise. Yes, quite a few would prefer to laze on the sofa all day, but that isn’t good for them. There are pugs that excel at agility, at Rally-O, at obedience. They don’t have to be slugs and most importantly, they shouldn’t get FAT. This can be a real struggle as they always act like they haven’t eaten in a week, have pitiful, soulful eyes and for some reason, some of them just seem to think of food and put on weight. It really is important to remember that they need the right amount of food for the activity level of the dog. You don’t do your dog any kindness by letting them get obese and you shorten their life significantly.

As mentioned earlier, they can be wildly busy puppies and many first time pug owners get very discouraged. They may slow down with time and age, but you need to be sure that your pug, regardless of energy level, gets exercise and mental stimulation.

Pug Health:

This, more than any other issue, is often the undoing of a pug owner. Like all pure bred dogs, pugs have some health issues that may crop up and they are often expensive health issues. DO YOUR RESEARCH on the breed and especially on where you are getting your pug. Rescues generally have a good idea of the health issues facing a given dog—don’t assume that a rescued pug is going to be a health nightmare. You do put yourself at risk for expensive health issues with pugs from pet stores, internet ads and the newspaper. Most reputable breeders will have genetic testing going back generations. It’s no guarantee that your pug won’t have an issue, but does decrease the odds.
Pugs have a very high rate of allergies—food being a big one—grains in particular. Pugs need a high quality diet. Grocery store kibble won’t cut it and you can avoid a host of future problems if you start off feeding your pug a good diet.

Think seriously about insurance for your pug. It can be a life saver, literally. If you don’t or won’t get insurance, then have a plan for what you will do when the first $2,500vet bill crops up. It can happen. An eye injury in a pug can go from simple scratch to serious ulcer in 24 hours and need a corneal graft—that will run you into some serious cash. Be prepared for this so that you aren’t sitting at the vet’s office trying to figure out what to do because you can’t afford the vet care needed.
I tell people to just expect an eye issue at some point in their pug’s life. That way you aren’t surprised if it happens.

A High Maintenance Breed:

Don’t get me wrong. I love my pugs, but they are, to my mind, a high maintenance breed. They need and want alot of attention. They shed like maniacs. I’m not kidding about the shedding. It’s downright astonishing.

They can be bossy, stubborn, and full of naughtiness. They require a fair bit of watching and managing in terms of safety, health and general training. They can and will get themselves into trouble—by dashing into the road (if off leash) to get a piece of smashed sandwich, chewing on your power cords, opening up your cabinet (which you thought was safe) and eating a pound bag of flour (yes, this has happened), jumping off of a height and snapping a leg bone. They tend to need some pretty regular cleaning of nose folds, eye areas and are notoriously fussy about having their nails trimmed. You can see some real dramatic behaviour around nail clipping in particular. I’ve known several pugs to start screaming as if they were being killed before the nail trimming even started.....

They do a thing called Reverse Sneezing. Read up about it and save yourself a trip to the emergency vet. I ran my pom in to the ER, convinced she was dying and was politely told it was just a reverse sneeze and all poms do it. So do pugs.

This is one of the most affectionate and overtly loving breeds I’ve ever owned. To me, they are worth the effort, expense and time that they require. They are clowns and comics and will provide hours of laughter and entertainment. But as a pug owner, you MUST be aware of the care involved in this breed.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

More Updates....

It is always a treat to see the kids all growing up. Can you believe that the spices are already 11 months old? Where does time go?

Here is Sage, he is the one down in P.R. and next week he will be getting a sister. Miss. Olivia will be joining him. I just hope he knows what is about to hit him, Olivia is very naughty! :)

Here is Saffron (Sage's brother) enjoying life! He lives down in the Naples, FL. area.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Sweet Life.....

London in the front and Curry in the back enjoying an afternoon nap. This is how I would love to spend my retirement. I wonder if Barb & David would adopt me? I feel so lucky to not only have London and Curry in my life but also to have Barb & David, they are exceptional pug parents. These boys are very lucky!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas...

This is always a fun time of year for me and the pugs. I enjoy the cards with all the pictures of "my" pugs on them. Here is one I got in email this morning!!!!

This is Bristol from Cities litter!!! He is so hunky....and ohhh my does he look like Milan!!!
Merry Christmas to all of my pugs and their families. You all have a special place in my heart and I think about the kids every day!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Holiday Puppies!

Myself and many breeders alike have been getting numerous request for Chirstmas puppies. While adding a puppy to your family is a big commitment, it is not a decision that should be made on a whim during the holiday season. I have seen sad situations during the summer months when the cute christmas puppy is no longer cute and they are looking for a home to place them in.

PLEASE reconsider your idea for buying. If your family is really wanting a new addition, please consider rescue or a local shelter. You would be giving a homeless dog, cat, etc. a gift of a lifetime.

Puppies are only that for a few short months. Take a look around my blog and read some of the information I have posted on rescue and breeders.

Happy Holidays from the B'Dazzle Pugs!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Miss Olivia will be joining Julio & Sage in Puerto Rico in January. I know that she will make a nice addition to their family.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Miss Olivia & Curry Updates

Introducing B'Dazzles Creme Da La Creme. Miss Olivia is 9 weeks old (born 8/1/09) and she is a spitfire. Olivia's dad is Noah and her mom is Mariah. This is a repeat breeding of Bennett.

My other little spitfire is also in full show mode, as he prepares for his debut at the Tampa Bay Pug Club Specialty on November 6th. We have been working nightly to get ready for that busy weekend. Not bad for a 7.5 month old puppy....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Noah X Mariah Litter!

Here is a group picture of the starletts @ 6 weeks old.

Noah X Mariah Litter! What a bunch of lovely babies!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ava update...

This has been the month for updates at our house!!! I dont think I need to even type anything on how she is doing in her retirement home. This picture is worth a 1000 words.

Ava is the mom to the Cities and Grandma to the Spices!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall is in the air....

I feel like with the start of September that fall is coming upon us. Although here in Florida and 90 degree weather it is hard to imagine the crisp cool air coming in from the north. Maybe by Nov. we will be so lucky.

There is a lot going on right now. Shows are gearing up to start again and ohh I just can't wait to get Curry in the ring. I feel like a kid in a candy store with him. I am so in love with him, I wish I could have several just like him. I am hoping to do a repeat breeding at some point, I really want a girl from this pedigree.

Mark you calendars, on Sept. 12 in Clearwater, I will be at the AKC Responsible Dog ownership day talking about the importance of our breed. Most of all it will give me a chance to talk about these great little clowns. If you want more info, send me an email at or check out all the deatils here...

We are getting all the final details together for the Tampa Bay Pug Clubs annual specialty that will be Nov. 6th in Brooksville. I still have not decided who I will be showing, but thought about putting Tabitha in the vet. sweeps. Of course I will be entering Curry and maybe Milan....we shall see. Come on out and join us!

I am heading out to Lynda's on Saturday to see the Noah X Mariah babies, I just can't wait. From what Lynda said the girl is a keeper so I am hoping at the end of the month, Paris will be joining my crew. Her reg. name will be B'Dazzles Creme Da La Creme. As for the 4 boys in the litter, I guess we will be placing them in pet homes. This is a repeat breeding of Bennett so there is not really any reason to keep another boy, when we already have one. This has to be the hardest part of breeding, but one that is necessary. I suppose you could say we are accepting inquires for fawn male puppy, that would be ready in 4-5 weeks old. Please make sure that you have read some of my postings from back in Jan. and Feb. so you know what to expect.

Well that is what is going on around here....busy busy!!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Adios' mi amigo....

As I type this my little wise Sage is on his way to Puerto Rico. His new dad was super nice, just as I expected. Sounds like he is going to have a great time playing with the children and his new pug friends. I think that Julio and family will have a new found appreciation for this lovely breed. Their hearts are in the right place. I know that Sage will represent the island and give all the pug owners new insight to what a pug is all about.

Te amo con todo mi corazón Sage. Me gustó el tiempo con usted y siempre estará aquí. Buena suerte en sus nuevas aventuras. ~Te amo Nani

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Congrats to AKC Ch. BISS. Prelly's Ruff N' Tuff "Noah" x Riversong's Heartbreaker of B'Dazzle "Mariah" on their new gets. Mariah whelped 5 lovely puppies this morning. 4 Boys and 1 Girl. Mommy and babies are doing fine and of course Noah is very proud to be a father once again. This litter has been a long time coming. Thank you Lynda of "Lotus Blossom Pugs" for taking care of all the details and getting the surgical implant done, and most of all whelping this dream litter. We are very excited here at B'Dazzle pugs at the idea of welcoming a little girl. Lets hope that the single girl is a keeper so that I can have a Paris to go with her half sister Milan.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


It has been sometime since I gave an update of the happenings here at B'Dazzle Pugs. It has been a fun year thus far. Starting out with the arrival of the Spices in February, and getting through all the touch puppy stages has been challenging and rewarding. Milan is back enjoying the mother free life she enjoyed in the past. She has been going to conformation classes with Sage and Curry to fine tune her skill of staking. We have a toy specialty coming up the weekend of August 8th and 9th in Orlando. I will be showing Milan in Bred By and Curry is tagging along and will be shown in the puppy match that is Friday evening.

Both the boys are just lovely. I have made a decision to keep Curry from the 2 and I am currently seaking a home for Sage. Nobody warned my the trials and tribulations of keeping 2 boys. Seems like everyday someone is getting beat up! LOL I have made a mental note not to keep 2 boys next time!

I am getting anxious for the fall to come and to get Curry in the ring. After a 2 year break, I am READY. It will be fun to take Sebastian along with me as well. I am pleased that he is showing a vested interest in the pugs and is always there to help me feed, bath, and brush them. They seem to like him too. In fact at night he likes to go in the pug room and kiss them all good night. So heartwarming.

Ohh before I go keep your paws and fingers crossed for Miss Mariah, she is due to whelp on Sunday. She was bred to "Ch. BISS Prelly's Ruff N' Tuff" aka Noah. I want a girl so BAD!!!! I will keep you all posted.

Monday, June 15, 2009

4 Months Old....

Where has time gone? Curry on the left, Sage on the right.

This is Curry. I am so head over heels in love with this little guy. He is an amazing little puppy and I am counting down the days until I can get him in the ring!

Little man Sage! Like his brother, he has a delightful personality!!!

Curry and the classic "B'dazzle" lips! All my pugs from the Prelly/Dhandy line have these lips.

The boys chilling, what hams!

Monday, May 4, 2009


B'Dazzles Some Like It Hot aka "Curry" and B'Dazzles Little Wise One "Sage".

(Curry on the left, Sage laying down)

Yes, these are my 2 pics from the spice litter. What a fun litter this was! Saffron, Ginger, & Rosemary have all gone on to their new homes and all 3 are doing very well adjusting to their new life. I never imagined I would have a litter as awesome as this one. All 5 were exceptional and all 5 could have made it in the show ring. However, these 3 deserved the life of a companion. Sage and Curry I think will really enjoy the ring. Although I must have lost my mind keeping 2 boys, but right now I don't care, this is gonna be a great journey!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Spices @ 7 weeks...where does time go?

Close up of Curry, my favorite of the 5.

Rosemary (new name will be Daisy).

Curry again, this is what I think is perfection.

Ginger, Saffron, & Sage (Ginger and Sage are staying with me as well)

The Fab Five!
Rosemary, Saffron, Curry, Ginger, & Sage.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

So you want to breed your pug?

Breeding is something that I don't really enjoy doing. It takes too much time, too much money, and too much heartache. I have had good success breeding and as the years go by I really see my lines and improving. However, it is taken me a long time to make progress, because the act of doing a breeding and raising a litter makes me tired thinking about.

I often get inquiries about looking for a stud because they have a beautiful girl they want to breed, "the puppies would be so cute"....well of course they would be cute, they are pugs right? There is so much more involved than hooking up a boy and a girl and 63 days later you have a litter of 6. This is pugs we are talking about and there is far more involved.

So tell me WHY do you want to breed YOUR companion? Was she shown to her Championship, what does the first 5 generations of her pedigree look like? Has she been seen by an Orthopedic specialist to determine if she is structurally sound or breeding, has she had a thyroid T3 & T4 done to make sure that she is in good health for breeding? Most of all what do you want from this litter? Are you looking to breed to pay off your VISA card? or go on vacation? If so, you have a better chance at playing the lottery and can win far more. Read my cost of breeding post, it is rather eye opening. On average a litter will cost me upwards of $2000, before it is all done. Are you looking to breed as a source of income? (might want to consider another breed) or perhaps you are serious about the pug breed and you are looking to get your feet further deep in the show ring and you are really trying hard to make a difference in your line. If that is the case I would recommend buying a show quality male, show him to his Championship and breed to further your line. By that time you will fully understand the importance of this breed and maintaining the standard.

Lets just say you want to breed Puggy Sue because she is SO cute and you want cute puppies and you get lucky and have 4 puppies. You keep 1 and what is your intention for the other 3? Are you selling them in the newspaper? If that is the case, you do not value this breed. Or perhaps you have family members that want a pug too. Ok that is fine, but 2 years down the road when the now grown puppy ahs severe skin issues and your family member has no money to care for the issue and they give him to rescue. Ohh great so your breeding cute puppies has become my nightmare in rescue. And now I have to work my ass off to raise $500 to treat YOUR puppy that YOU brought into this world. That is a great breeder.

Tell me what would you do if you had a litter with cleft puppies? Do you know how to tube them, raise them and do you have the money for surgery when they are 6-8 months old? Or would you put them down? What if you have puppies with Hemivertabrea are you in a position to keep 4 puppies or will you make it someone elses nightmare? What if the puppy that you bred and raised went to a wonderful family and 3 years later died of PDE and the family wants a refund, are in a finacial position to refund them their money? That is what reputable breeders do.

If you contact me, and want to use one of my well bred, champion pugs at stud, here is what you need to be ready to provide me:

~5 Generation pedigree with at least 85% champions in all 5 generations
~AKC papers (NOT AKC limited papers)
~Copy of their show record, awards, and other winnings (basically I want a resume)
~Copy of your contract you plan to use when placing puppies in homes
~You will also be required to use my repoductive vet in Lakeland or Wildewood for the breedings. I DO NOT breed my dogs naturally. All bitches my be progesterone tested and will be Artifically Inceminated.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Girls v.s. Boys

I am in several outlets of the pug community from rescue, to breeding, and of course the pet world. As a member of the PDCA and a breeder referral for AKC, I get several requests a day for people looking for pugs. 95% of them are looking for girls (fawn girls). Although I have a house full of girls myself, quite frankly they are a bunch of bitches. Yes, that is right a female dog is called a bitch and there is a reason for it.

The girls tend to be bossy, stubborn, and down right naughty. I cherish my girls and all BUT 1 is spayed (thank god), the additudes sometimes are just a bit much to handle. The boys....ohh how I love thee. They have what I call the Eeyore syndrome. They walk around the house as if nothing is wrong and they dont have a care in the world. To me the boys are more "companion" like, than the girls. Boys also do well in homes with small children, were as Alpha girls can have problems such as humping, etc. Yes, the girls hump!! Ohh and I bet you didn't know that girls also mark, excpet they don't lift their leg to do it, they do it on your bath mats, bed and other types of fine linens. So you still want a girl....that is cool I understand. Patients is a virtue since most breeders don't sell girls unless they have an entire litter. And in rescue we tend to get 5 boys to every 2 girls!!! Again patients.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Another Spice Update...

They are almost 5 weeks old....

L-R Sage, Curry, Rosemary, Ginger, Saffron






Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spice Update

The spices are doing awesome and getting very big. 4 of them are over a pound now and 1 is almost there! Here are some head shots of their lovely faces. They will be 3 weeks old this sunday. Pics were taken at 2 weeks exactly. I have fallen love with each one of them and it breaks my heart to think I can only keep 2. I want them all. This is really one of the best litters I have ever had! Thanks for looking






Thursday, February 26, 2009

The cost of breeding

I get about 10 inquires a week from people looking for puppies, I enjoy talking to each and everyone of them. But when it comes down to it, most of them are looking for that cute $500 puppy. All puppies are cute, come on. What is not so cute are the vet bills later in life and anyone who has owned this breed knows what I am talking about. The most common question I get is, why do your puppies cost so much? Quite frankly I think it is cheaper for me to keep them, than place them. The time and money that I spend on each puppy is out of this world. Those who know me or own one of the few pugs I have breed, know what they got. A beautiful, healthy pug, that is true to the standard.

Back in 2007 I wrote the below post on a public pug message board when someone asked about why puppies from reputable breeders cost so much more. Enjoy....

Reputable breeding starts with having the best of the best. That is a long expensive process in itself. A reputable breeder always shows their stock in conformation (or has a handler do it) to prove that they are worthy of breeding. What makes a pug worthy of breeding? There are 3 pieces to the pie: Conformation (the way a pug looks), Soundness (health), and Temperament. Conformation and Temperament are assessed in the show ring and Soundness is assessed by a qualified vet and knowing the pedigrees. If a pug (or any dog) does not have all 3 pieces to the pie they should not be considered good breeding candidates and should be placed in pet homes.
We love pugs for the way they look and the way they act. We are drawn to their funny little stubby bodies and silly personalities. What if a breeder kept breeding pugs that are long, lanky and are aggressive? This is a distortion of the breed and eventually with main stream breeding practices our breed will change. Reputable breeders spend countless hours and thousands of dollars to maintain and better the breed. Which means, that they are truly breeding for the standard set forth by the PDCA and not for their pocket books. Kitchen breeders, BYB, and Millers are breeding to breed. Some do love the breed and “think” they are doing buyers a favor, when in fact they are not. Some breed to pay their bills, others breed because it is their source of income. Breeding must have a purpose when it comes to purebreds.

So lets talk money. Before even having a litter lets talk about what it takes to prepare a dog for breeding.

Good stock cost $! If you are a Reputable Breeder you probably did not go out and buy a show potential dog but if you did you are looking at $2500-3500 for a dog and $3000-5000 for a bitch PUPPY!!! Once you have the puppy (bought or bred) you spend the next 2 years training, showing, and putting it through health certifications. The training will be the least expensive for the cost, but the most time consuming. Est. about $500 (give or take). Showing….this is the part that hurts. Some breeders spend more than others, in 2005 and 2006 I spent just over $15,000 showing and specialing ONE DOG!!! He was an amazing show dog and I would do it again in heartbeat. I have heard breeders say it takes about $2000-3000 to get a Championship (dogs usually require less time and money than bitches). When the dog is about 18 months it is important to start the health screenings, some screenings can’t be done until over 2 years old. I certify the eyes at 18 or so months and then following I will have the hips, elbows, and patella’s x-rayed and reviewed by my orthopedic specialist. They can also be sent off to OFA as well for review. I spend about $1500-$1800 on health certifications for EACH dog that will be bred. I never breed a dog before it is 2 years old and I never breed without screening first.

Ohh goodie so far we have spent $10,000 and we have not even bred a litter yet! So now onto the actually breeding part.

When breeding usually you own the bitch and you probably don’t own the dog so there are “extra” fees included. This is a estimate on what it would cost if you used a stud:

Stud Fee: $800
Progesterone Testing: $360 (Average is 6 X$60 each)
Shipping Costs of Sperm: $300
AI (if fresh chilled): $150 If frozen it has to be a surgical implant ($300)
Subtotal and no puppies yet: $1310-$1460

Ultrasound at 28-32 days post breeding: $125
YIPPEE we are expecting 2-4 puppies, total cost so far $1435-1585

Option #1 The day has come….and you decided to have your bitch go natural:
Cost of natural whelp….Free but you lose 2 of the 3 puppies.

Total cost of breeding and 1 barely alive puppy… $1500 +/-, you decide to keep it because it is all you have for the next show season and you pray it turns out.

Option #2 The day has come and you decided to have a c-section:
C-section: $700 (it is planned and not an emergency)

You get 3 healthy puppies.

Some of the costs no matter if natural Whelp or C-Section:
Dew claws: $20 per puppy
2 vet visits (between newborn and 8 weeks because you worry something is wrong) $200
1st set of shots at 7 weeks: $45-60 per puppy
2nd set of shots at 10 weeks: $45-60 per puppy
Microchipping: $35 per puppy
Food, supplies, etc. $250

You decide at 10 weeks you are keeping 2 puppies from this litter and you have a PET home for one of them. You must have health certificates issued and contract signed). You get $1200 for the puppy! Ohh goody this litter only cost me $3000!!! What a profit! Ohh but that does not include ALL the money spent on showing and health screenings of the parents!

There is no money to be made in breeding and if you are making money you are doing something very wrong!

I thought it would be fair to include the costs that BYB face so that you can do a side by side:

2 dogs breed, no history of where they came from, no health screening, but heck they will make cute pets: FREE

Wait 63 days later, bitch has has no prenatal care: FREE

Bitch naturally whelps while owner is at work or stuck in a crate in a cold stroage shed (that is if it is a good miller): FREE

4 Puppies of the 8 live: FREE

Self Vaccinate at 6 weeks old ($3-5 per puppy if usuing vanguard 5): $20 total

Option #1: Ad in newspaper: $45 (the biggest expense yet)...but these are AKC puppies!!!!

An uneducated person opens the sunday paper and see's an ad and shows up at the so called "breeders house" and pays $500 for a puppy that is hardly 7 weeks old, but gosh darn it, it is so cute! Breeder makes $2000 on 4 puppies and they spent $65! Now that is better than the stock market!

Option #2: Miller sells puppies to a broker for $300 each (Miller makes $1200). Broker then sells puppies to a puppy store for $500 each (Broker makes profit of $800). Then some uneducated buyer walks into the store and buys an $1800 puppy that looks more like a rat terrier than a pug. Pet store comes out ahead at a profit of $5200 on FOUR puppies! Heck that is better than a reputable breeder!

Of course I will add that there is going to be a "gray" area here. There are some kitchen breeders who are trying to do it right, they just don't have the back ground or knowledge of how or what is right. The end result is that the breed still suffers from it as the new owners who bought from a great breeder then goes and breeds their cute "pets" instead of getting them spayed or neutered and this vicious cycle never ends!!!

Questions and comments always encouraged!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Spice Litter

On 2/15/2009 Miss Milan started laboring at 7am, at about 11:16am she whelped the first of 5. Here are the stats:

11:16--female--6.0 oz--Ginger

11:54--male--3.5 oz--Sage

12:31--male--4.5 oz--Saffron

1:03--female--3.0 oz--Rosemary

2:27--male--6.0 oz--Curry

We could not be more thrilled at the outcome of this litter. We just hope that in about 6-8 weeks we will be able to see which 2-3 spices will be out next stars in the ring. Stay tunned for more updates.

Friday, February 13, 2009


To all my wonderful friends and family, Happy Valentine's Day!!

I will be out in Lakeland tomorrow and Sunday handling 2 pugs (clients), other than that, I will be at home starring at Milani wondering when she is gonna make it to Monday morning for her 8am Vet appointment. She is not due until Tue. the 17th, but she is so big, it looks like her tummy is gonna pop!!! She is crazy as ever and I guess when she stops running outside that should be indication that babies are coming. I am nervous for her and sort of stressed wondering how in the heck I am gonna take care of her, babies, 4 other pugs, 2 bostons, and SEBASTIAN!!! What have I done? I have an awesome husband who complains about the pugs and the hair, but deep down I know he adores them as I do. He is always really good with the babies too, just does not like to see them born (despite the fact he has done more surgical procedures on dogs than most vets do in their career).

Check out the tum tum on her!!!

Rattle Compliments of Sebastian!!! :) I will keep you all posted through the weekend and will also let you know how the show goes! I will be getting in the ring with a black pug for the first time, I am kind of nervous, but I know I can out handle my competition!! I just realized, I don't even know who is judging.... off too look it up on

Again Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Types of Breeders....

I think a lot of people have misconceptions about what a breeder is exactly. Most know that you don't buy puppies from a pet shop, but if they are in the market, don't want to rescue, where do you get a puppy from?

Newspaper? Umm, not exactly. There are several types of breeders and unfortunately they have all been put in the same category, but all are not created equally. I would like to take some time to describe what the different types of breeders are.

First you have "millers". They are the ones that breed dogs by the masses and they either sell them directly to corporations (Hunt, corp), pet shop or they sell to a broker then they sell to the store. Obviously the conditions in which these puppies have been raised are not ideal, and the quality of the puppies are usually on the poor side.

Keep in mind, when you are purchasing a "purebred" dog, you are doing so because you like a certain look and temperament. Why spend $2000 at a pet shop for something that looks or acts nothing like the breed intended too? Ohh, I know why, they take credit cards or have payment plans. I suppose you will need to pay payments after the thousands of dollars of vet bills that are gonna be racked up.

The next type of breeder is a backyard "BYB" breeder. They typically have a small facility in their "backyard" that hosues 1-4 different types of breeds. They breed to sell puppies to the general population and sometimes even to brokers (who then sell to shop owners). BRB are doing nothing to preserve the breed, they are soley breeding for CASH! As soon as one of their stock comes in season they are bred. Many times BRB are selling AKC dogs, so don't think just because it has "papers" it is important or special, it is not. It means NOTHING! In my opinion BYB are just as bad as Millers, just on a smaller side. They get greedy and they get more dogs, breed more litters and sometimes even cross breed to get more puppies or advertise "designer breeds". You will often see this type of breeder selling puppies on Internet classified sites, newspapers, and personal websites.

Let's talk designer breeds for a minute....

The most common among pugs is "Puggles", a cross between a Beagle & Pug. Now why on earth would you cross something that digs, howls, has joint issues, with something that sheds like a mo-fo, and is also known to have serious structural (joint) issues....that is fine breeding! Both breeds are not without their problems and you go and compound those genes and it makes for alot of Puggles in rescue and shelters, trust me I see it first hand!

The next type of breeder is called a kitchen breeder. While they may have good intentions, it falls short of a quality breeder. Kitchen breeders normally have 2-5 breeding bitches and 1-2 studs on site. They breed their pets for cash. Although they may love their pets, they are doing no genetic testing and they usually know very little about the breed standard and what the breed is suppose to look and act like and most of all how structurally sound they are. These types of breeders also advertise in the newspaper and the Internet as well.

Lastly, there are reputable breeders. These are breeders that pour their heart and soul into the breed and know what the standard is, how to improve their line, they know their pedigree's inside and out and they produce sound & correct puppies, mainly for their own breeding program. Reputable breeders DO NOT breed to sell puppies, nor do they advertise in newspapers or websites. They breed so that they can begin their next generation of Champions and it is their step to perfecting the breed. Reputable breeders belong to breed clubs, rescue organizations, show their stock in AKC conformation shows, and most of all are advocates of the breed. They should be knowledgeable about the history of not only their pedigrees, but the ones that make up the generations before. Most reputable breeders have long waiting lists, because they do very limited amounts of breeding. However, getting a puppy from a breeder like this will pay off in the long run and is worth the wait. Remember buying a puppy is a lifetime commitment and having a breeder be there for a lifetime should be just as important.

When the time comes for you to add a puppy to your family. PLEASE consider that this is a 15-18 year commitment and that cheap is not always best. In the State of Florida you can expect to pay around $1200-1800 for a puppy from a reputable breeder. Still cheaper than the pet shop on the corner but more expensive that from the newspaper. However, I will guarantee at the end of the 15-18 years the puppy from the reputable breeder will cost you FAR less. Remember it is QUALITY NOT QUANTITY, when selecting a breeder.

I always encourage people who are looking for a quality puppy to contact a reputable breeder. Many of them welcome calls/emails and are happy to answer questions. I am always available to talk pugs, so email me at

Here is a side by side comparison on breeders:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Miss Milani!

Well 10 more days to go and I am sure Milani is counting down as well. We will know monday the 16th how many babies she is carring! I am thinking 6...Her right horn is much fuller than her left, so I am thinking 4 on one side and 2 on the other. I guess we will find out shortly. She really has been amazing through this pregnancy and still manages to go outside and run the fence as if she was not holding a cantalope in her tum tum. I will keep you all posted on her progress.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tabitha, my Black Diva

I adore pugs because of their little monkey faces and their clear fawn coats and dark masks. Back in Nov./Dec. I got a call from a member of the Tampa Bay Pug Club tell me that they needed a home for an 8 year old little girl. I went and picked her up and fell head over heals in love with her. SHE IS BLACK!!!! There went my fawn household!
Tabitha is the Aunt to Ava, so that makes her Milani's great Aunt. She was born October 31, 2000 and finished her AKC Championship in 2002. Tabitha was never bred and as soon as she came to my house, I immediatly got her spayed. She is now a happy couch potato and enjoys Emma and Sebastian! This is another example of how wonderful pug rescue is and that adopting an 8 year old is no different than adopting a 2 year old...they are just more mellow and more trained!
