Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ava and The Cities...

I am not one that enjoys breeding. I enjoy the puppies, training, and seeing them mature into adults. I don't like the actual science of breeding (another long post for the future). I am ok with the whelping, but the first 2 weeks is just terrible. Back in August of 2006, I bred Miss Ava to Noah and 62 days later got the most beautiful litter you have ever seen. Ava whelped 5 puppies, 3 boys and 2 girls. The boys were named: London, Bristol, and Dublin. The girls were named: Milan & Sydney.

Ava and The Cities @ 5 weeks old

Ava was a dream mother, she loved her babies and I never imagine I would have a litter as beautiful as this one. Ava was only bred once and due to some serious scar tissue and was spayed in August of 2008. Ava lives in an amazing retirement home as an only child. She gave me the greatest gift of a daughter and I am glad I could find a place that is pug paradise. Thank you Altman's for giving Ava everything she deserves. You are always on my mind, as is Ava.

Ava's favorite past time!

Now back to the Cities!

I decided to place Dublin & Bristol in pet homes. Although looking back now that they are going on 3 years old...I wish I would have kept Bristol, he was the best boy of the litter and has the personality that I ADORE. Dublin lives the "city" life in NYC and Bristol lives just out side of Boston with his pug brother Bosley and his Mommy, Doris. I am jealous of Bristol's life....he has it good!

My niece Elyssa with Bristol

I kept the remaining 3, Milan, London, and Sydney. Sydney is now co-owned by my good friend Lynda Hoffman (Leap Star Pugs) and she is in the company of her father Noah. I started showing London and Milan at 6 months old. London managed to get 7 reserves in a row. As time went by, London grew less and less fond of showing. In a house of multiple dogs and intact females, I had no intentions of ever breeding London, so I did what a respected breeder would do...he got the snippy snip! Through London's show career he had an admirer from afar. A kind woman by the name of Barbara would email from time to time to see how he was doing. About a year later in Nov. of 2007, I called Barbara and asked if she and David would like to be London's retirement home. I expressed my concerns of him living in a pack and I really did not think he had the temperament to travel from show to show and live with 12+ pugs (I think at the time I had like 15). They agreed and WHAT A FAMILY. London enjoys his day's riding around in a golf cart and helping his Dad David around the house.

Milan (back), Sydney (middle), London (front)

London & Milani with their father Noah!

Finally, my little Milani, known as "B'Dazzles Forever Amore". Milani is a tiny little bitch with personality GALORE!!! Milan is everything I wanted in a bitch. She is small, correct, fun, and what a pug was intended to be. Milani LOVES the show ring. When she was just about a year old I showed her in her first Speciality. She was on the table, the judge approached and Milani leaped into her arms and filled her full of kisses. The judge laughed and held her tight and said "I love this little girl", we did not win that day! LOL Milan will take a leave of absence in early 2009 to be a mommy and then will return in the fall to finish her Championship. I doubt she will be the mother that Ava was, but I am so thrilled to start my 2nd generation.
My little French girl Milani!

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